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 josh's vw mk2 gti

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2 posters
fresh meat!

Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2012-02-16

josh's vw mk2 gti Empty
PostSubject: josh's vw mk2 gti   josh's vw mk2 gti EmptyFri Feb 24, 2012 11:03 am

Just thought id start a thread even though alot work has been done il upload pics i have.heres my car with coilovers just fitted

josh's vw mk2 gti Photo3

bonrath grill fitted with crystal lamp also crystal indicators
josh's vw mk2 gti DSC07976-1

full interior valet
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo4

and outside wax with turtle wax ice found some in garage thought id give it a shot usually im a poor boy fan.not bad results.
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo6
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo7
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo5

some beading Smile
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo10

some edited photos
josh's vw mk2 gti DSC07986
josh's vw mk2 gti DSC07983

Decided to buy a new centre pipe due to mine blowing and corroding when removed the thing just fell to bits!!! found a good deal on ebay for a magnex centre pipe and back box straight twin! recieved today i was a bit unsure as i feel the twin is too big Sad so im still undecided about it had to get a new bracket made as it sat too low bloody things never fit right. i still might revert to standard backbox and just keep the centre pipe nice sound tho nice tone and not too loud at all.i also painted my rocker cover i know not to everyones tasted but a bitt diff i also painted ecu cover and cam belt cover.

let me know what you think.

p.s was only 100 squids delivered these things new are 320. here are some pics and diff angles.

josh's vw mk2 gti Photo14
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo13
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo12
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo11
josh's vw mk2 gti Photo9

i also wrapped all the lose wires in red insulation tape tidying it up a bit.any comments welcome
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Number of posts : 130
Age : 39
Registration date : 2011-01-11

josh's vw mk2 gti Empty
PostSubject: Re: josh's vw mk2 gti   josh's vw mk2 gti EmptyTue Feb 28, 2012 1:21 pm

such a clean motor

ill keep an eye on this
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